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tv   2024 Campaign Trail Six Weeks Until Election Day  CSPAN  September 21, 2024 1:11am-1:44am EDT

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this week on a 2024, we are in asheville, north carolina, where democratic vice presidential candidate governor tim walz is campaigning, and in brooklyn, where second gentleman doug emhoff was campaigning with spike lee. jd vance speaking to voters. in new york, unscripted moments with donald trump as he was on route to a rally in long eileen -- long island. first, a look at the republican nominee in north carolina's gubernatorial race and comments he made online. robinson will not drop out of the race despite growing pressure this morning. he comes amid a scathing new cnn route or showing comments he allegedly made on adult forms and websites more than a decade ago.
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robinson quickly denying those claims overnight. >> the things you will see in that story, those are not the words of mark robinson to >> according to the report robinson which they referred to himself as a black nazi and expressed support for reinstating slavery. cnn claims robinson said he enjoyed watching transgender pornography and referred to himself as a perv. this morning robinson continues to deny these allegations . you >> know my words. you know my character. no i been complete transparent. -- you know i have been complete transparent. clarence thomas was the victim of high-tech legend. it looks like mark robinson is too by a man who refuses to stand on stage. >> it is important to know
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robinson allegedly made the comments in 2008 and 2012 long before he entered politics. robinson first showed up in the public sphere in 2019 after his comments at the greensboro city council meeting went viral. he ran for lieutenant governor and won the following year before announcing his plans to run for governor in 2023. the campaign for robinson's opponent, attorney general josh stein released a statement saying north carolinians already know mark robinson is completely unfit to be governor. josh remains focused on winning this campaign so together we can build a safer, stronger north carolina for everyone one. overnight the editorial board for the raleigh news and observer newspaper called on robinson to drop out of the race. the state republican party is standing behind him this morning amid concerns fallout from this report could extend past the governors race and impact the 16
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electoral votes. >> the gubernatorial election even before this happened was so contentious that there is a lot of talk what might happen at the presidential level in north carolina would be driven by what happened at the governors level which usually it is the other way around. >> 538 pulling average in the tar heel state on friday had vice president harris and president trump tied with a former president taking a 10th of point lead. next select minnesota governor tim walz's visit to asheville, north carolina in an attempt to shore up support for the democratic ticket. >> what happened when donald trump was in power. don't let him forget this because they try to rewrite history every day. alternate facts. be very clear. first thing he did, signed an executive order and talked about this was to repeal the affordable care act. which protected those of us with
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pre-existing conditions, that our children stay on our health care until we were 26 and something thank god for you and roy cooper, expanding medicare and medicaid coverage. i will say this. on the second one, this is the one thing he kept his word on and he followed through with it. he said to his rich buddies you are rich as hell and i'm going to give you a tax cut. he did give those tax cuts to the wealthiest among us. all the while creating the largest debt of any president in history. as republican friends are so apt to do, they tell you government does not work. then they get elected and approve it. we know that shell game. the third thing he did and he brags about this often. he ran through three judges made sure women are no longer
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responsible for their own health care choices. and i don't know how he found enough energy to do this. he did all that before he tried to violently overthrow our election and deny a free and fair election. we need to be clear about how we talk about that because he lost the election and there is no doubt about that. there is no need to have fair and balanced news coverage on that because there is no fair and balanced. he lost. the election fair and square. and look, my high school students know this and my players knew this. you play hard, the other team plays hard and after the game if you lose, you will cross and shake hands. in politics you take it another step forward. . you will crossing gradually the winter and do all you can to help them succeed because that is good for america.
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i did teach for a while. i would always give my students extra chances to learn. sometimes you don't land the lesson the first time. donald trump did not learn the lesson the first time but the good news is he is going to learn the lesson in november. [applause] but every once in while these guys do surprise me. this last weekend donald trump's running mate senator vance did a remarkable thing. he got called out by a fair and free press that are a part of our democracy and fundamental to the freedoms of this country. he got called out by that press about telling vicious hurtful lies about immigrants. but he did something. he told the truth. they asked him if it was an accident or he did not mean it. he said i admit it. i'm willing to create stories to
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spread fear to drum up support for us. now, the only thing amongst this group is no kidding. we have been seeing that for years but at least they admitted it. what other things are they making up stories about? i think you know. the reason you do that is if you told what you really stood for, no one would vote for you. that includes the folks who think that because you know you have your neighbors. we have them in our families don't we know. that is what happens. i don't like donald trump but i liked what he stands for. really? elaine suppressing women's reproductive rights? is that what you want or is it cutting taxes for billionaires while you get screwed by the -- screwed. or is it ignoring problems like our shoulder -- like our children being shot dead in schools? for all of us, the truth here,
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you know who donald trump is. you know the pain he caused. he killed thousands of manufacturing jobs across this state should it does not matter how any he tries to rewrite history. that is a fact and you know it >> second gentleman toebbe -- doug have off was on the campaign trail for the harris-walz ticke this week. next, highlights from a fundraiser in new york he spoke with phil merrick you're activist likely. the pair reportedly raised a half billion dollars were tickets raised -- ticket started at $100. >> it is hard to keep up just in the last day or so we have had some pretty terrible stuff coming our way. the latest hit on kamala. did you see what they said? this one is unbelievable. they said somehow because they
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are not her biological children she does not have anything in her life to keep her humble. as if keeping women humble whether you have children or not is something we should strive for. it is not. i will tell you what, going back to that debate,, lesher kept trump humble at that debate. because that is what this is really about. there is nothing more important to me, kamala and kirsten then our kids. our big beautiful blended family. none of this really affects,. everything bounces off of her and i think we should follow her advice which she gives to me every single day which is get back out there because we got to win. and don't you distracted because
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so much of this nonsense is to distract us. we know what they are really trying to do. it is project 2025. it is spreading hate and trying to patent women against each other, trying to pit all of us against each other. that is what we are trying to do here. the women in this country are sick and tired of weak men trying to take away their fundamental rights and then -- and then gas let you about it. we are sick and tired of it. and the women in this country will never humble themselves before donald trump. kamala makes sure nobody falls for this constant gas lighting, this constant lying trying to
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make us not see what is right in front of our eyes. you saw it yesterday when she took on the sick and dangerous lies that they are making about haitian migrants in springfield, ohio. she called out the little sidekick jd vance for his cynical fabrication intentionally designed to terrorize a community and he knows it. he has admitted it is a live but he does not care. so jd, jd vance, my goodness. what is his obsession with cats? he is worried about women who own them and makes up stories about people eating them. it is bizarre, jd. >> weird!
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>> he is an extremist and a misogynist. let's just call it out. right now with what they are trying to do, what is already happening with dobbs and what they said they are going to do, we have to be pissed off and we turn that into action, get registered and vote. >> we have one of many things in common. the biggest thing is we are married to two strong sisters. anyway, we have to register to vote. we cannot go for the okey-doke. you cannot go with three-car money. we know what is real and what is fake. we can't go for the subterfuge,
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shenanigans and skulduggery. can't go for the okey-doke. we know what it is. i wrote a film called do the right thing. [applause] and my brother ray rahim had love rings. one said love. one said hate. . i didn't make that up. that comes from film called night of the hunter. robert mitchum had those things tattooed on his fingers. i was in film school. i said i'm using that. we cannot go for the okey-doke. this thing is going to be close. you know i'm a big sports fan. and i have seen too many games
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-- i'm not going to name what teams here in new york. [laughter] where we thought the game was won until the buzzer, the whistle is game on. we know what this guy does. we do not want to see a rerun of january 6. no rerun. and like my brother -- not as good as the first film. last thing. we have raised tonight in the people's republic of brooklyn, new york, half $1 million. > the past week also brought
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another apparent assassination attempt on republican presidential nominee in former president donald trump. that prompted a number of politicians including his running mate senator jd vance to call on higher protection for him as he continued to campaign should next, -- to campaign. next, some of senator jd vance's remarks at a campaign stop in michigan. > i want to address the elephant in the room which is a couple days ago my running mate was newly assassinated again. -- nearly assassinated again. two assassination attempts in as many months and i think -- and i think it is time to say to the democrats, to the media, to everybody who has been attacking this man and trying to censor this meant for going on 10 years, it out or you are going to get somebody killed. donald trump ought to have the same detail as joe biden. but as a policy choice our federal government has decided donald trump deserves a lesser level of protection. many with --maybe with any
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normal level of president. that is not with the challenge of what donald trump is dealing with. we want to be as careful as possible and we want to make it so we cut out the ridiculous rhetoric i think has put a giant target on donald trump's back. i have to say this because all of us whether republicans, democrats are independents, all of us can do a better job at showing respect at showing respect and trying to debate our differences without going into personal attacks. >> former president trump address the apparent assassination attack while he was on went -- on long island. next, stop he made at a local restaurant. while at the restaurant, he made what is believed to be the first bitcoin transaction made a presidential candidate. -- made by a presidential candidate.
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>> were you at the show? hello, everybody. ♪ >> scan the qr code here with your phone. the qr code right here. >> by a president on the bitcoin protocol. [applause] >> hello, everybody.
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i got to go back and see those people. >> right this way. >> thank you, everybody. >> not just playing politics. the economy would be very bad or they are playing politics. it was a big cut. >> any reaction to the teamsters decision not to endorse? >> it is a great honor. they are not going to endorse the democrats. that is a big thing. it's at the first time 50, 60 years that -- that has happened. democrats automatically had the teamsters. they took a vote and i guess i was at 60% or more. that is a great honor. i have a lot of teamsters work for me. built all these holdings you see in york city, exclusively teamsters. the vote of the teamsters themselves was a very high for
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me and the readership, sean o'brien and the group are all great people and said we cannot endorse the democrats so i think this is the first time in many day -- many decades they have not endorsed democrats. >> will it make a difference? >> i think it will. teamsters carry a lot of weight. democrats cannot believe. it was always automatic democrats get the teamsters and said they will not endorse democrats this year. >> there's a lot of concern about your vulnerability. have you talked with the secret service? >> we will do what the secret service once. you don't want to be curtailed. crazy people out there. bad people, crazy people. we will let the secret service determined that. like coming to a place like this. got to be safe. we are going to nassau coliseum.
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it has been packed. over 60,000 people, 50 or 60,000 people so i look forward to that. it has always got to be safe. we just don't want them dictating to you where you should go. >> do you feel hemmed in? >> i really don't. i have to lead my life and make america great again. >> having biological children. governor sanders had a dig about harris not having biological children. youth inc. that is something she should be attacked for? >> i don't know anything about it. [indiscernible]
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i like that. >> you feel safe, mr. president? are you looking at any private security? >> i feel very safe. i have top-of-the-line people. they needed more people. they have been given that. based on the polling numbers i guess you have to do that. we are leading in just about every poll. we have to be safe. have to be safe for the country. we have to be safe for the country. a lot of progress is going to be made. the secret service, i think they are doing a great job. they just needed more people. >> what is your message for you new york?
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>> i love new york. we are going to give new york a big-play. you see the crowds. it is so friendly. i love new york. new york has a lot of problems and we are going to make new york great again. i think we have a real chance of winning with hundreds of thousands of people coming from prisons and jails and mental institutions. people don't want that. will work with your mayor and your governor and will do a lot of great things for new york and we have to bring it back. we can't let this happen to new york. hundreds of thousand people dumped into your state. no place can sustain that? >> would that mean a lot to you since that is your home state. >> i would love to win new york because it has not been won in many decades by a republican. this time it should be. this is a republican who lived here for many years. i am all about new york. we have to bring new york back
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and we are going to. we are going to win new york. we are here because we want to win new york. [indiscernible] >> name a bitcoin and a crypto. you want one? how many people? you were there? that is cool, right? a pulitzer prize winner. one of the greats.
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>> here you go. >> doug, you are great. > we're going to have one? >> it makes me look thin. we are going down to nassau coliseum. packed house. thank you very much, everybody. >> [indiscernible] >> i never seen anything like it. nobody has. thank you very much. thank you, everybody.
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[indiscernible] thank you, everybody. good luck. it is really happening. bitcoin is really happening. young people understand. >> he should come here when he is 21. >> [indiscernible] >> that was a big deal. you have come a long way. dark are you? >> probably yes. >> next to me look at
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washington's gubernatorial debate between democratic nominee bob ferguson, the state's current attorney general and the republican nominee former congressman dave reichert. the two addressed a number of topics at a debate hosted by the association of washington business. >> tonight, bob is asking you to believe that he will change the way he has done business the last 12 years. that is not going to happen. we know that. it is not going to change. he says he is a change agent. that is not going to happen. i am asking you to believe that together we can make change in washington state. a democrat house, a democrat senate working together with a republican governor, balanced government should we can do this together. that is the change agent. that is the change agent.
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. i balanced government in washington state, mind blowing. right? we can do this. what we will work toward is a government based on leadership, on integrity. imagine an honest government. government is done servant hood and a team based on servant hood and integrity. i went to work with you to build that kind of government. we can lead the country. we can show the country what it means for a divided state like a washington state to come together to fix what is broken, change what is wrong and do what is right. [applause] >> you have had a chance to hear two different visions for the state of washington. reproductive freedom.
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he opposes it. i support it. you went to congress and voted dozens of times to refill the affordable care act. if you or someone watching with a pre-existing condition, he was going to take away your protections for the pre-existing condition. he was going to jack up here rescript and chug prices if you're a senior. . i was proud to defend the affordable care act when that case went to court. i've never been satisfied with the status quo. i first ran for the king county council, i took on a 20 year incumbent who happened to be a democrat and the chair of the county counsel. i had no support from democrats, no elected officials. i want to campaign with a grassroots operation. as attorney general have taken on the obama administration and the biting have an instruction to stand up to work or just end up for workers and reproductive freedom. as your governor we are going to make public safety a top priority. you're paying too much in housing. you're paying too much in
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groceries. we are going to change that when i am your governor. for apprenticeships and workforce training. my firm has been in the state for five generations i'm working -- teenage kids and my wife calling later on. this is about yours. i will defend your freedoms and i will advocate for you each and every day if i'm elected governor. thank you very much. >> in the latest polling of the washington state gubernatorial race, democrat bob ferguson is up 11 points over the republican nominee former congressman dave last, a look at them markets have been running in washington state in recent weeks. video of the month i grew up in a big family. my mom was a public school teacher and my dad worked at boeing. there were always around for us. it's harder than ever for families to do the same. skyrocketing costs and rising crime are making times really
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tough. i am running for governor so families have an easier time making ends meet, and our loved ones, like jack and katie, have a safe and secure future. i will work to lower costs, invest in technical education and apprenticeships, and i will hire more police officers so we come back crime, improve public safety those in christ is the care they will not be easy, but i have been satisfied with the status quo. i refuse contributions from big corporations so my focus will be on getting things done in washington, not for political interests. we will make our state safer and more affordable so we can all fun time with our families and build a stronger future for everyone. >> bob ferguson for governor. ♪ > what do dave and i have in common? saving lives. >> he stopped human traffickers and men who beat women. >> when my friend sadie trust dave with their lives, they can. >> dave has risked his life protecting women --
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>> and children, too. >> no one is saying that about his opponent. >> dave reichert for governor. >> a reminder, this program and on the c-span's campaign2024 >> c-span's "washington journal," our live form involving you to discuss the latest issues in politics from washington and across the country, coming up, dr. marty makary talks about his new book "blind spots," talking about the rhetoric of medical new dogma. also, reducing the numbers of veteran suicide. c-span's "washington journal," live at 7:00 a.m. saturday morning on c-span, c-span now, our free mobile app, or online at >> on saturday, our campaign
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2024 coverage continued in the key battleground state of pennsylvania, where vice presidential democratic nominee governor tim walz speaks in allentown. then at 2:00, republican presidential nominee donald trump holds a rally in wilmington, north carolina. the cook political report currently rates north carolina as a tossup. it's 16 electo votes are in place for both candidates. watch on c-span, c-span now, or online at >> listening to programs on c-span through c-span radio is a easy. tell your smart speaker "listen to c-span." listen to c-span any time to


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